Monday, November 28, 2011

3.5 Habits for the Holidays!!

What does the holiday season mean to you? Are you one of the folks that love the season- the lights, the colors, the gift giving? Does it mean love, joy, happiness and family? That would be ideal wouldn't it? It can really make this time of year special and meaningful. Yet not everyone in our society feels this way. Perhaps you're on the other side of the coin and you can't stand the craziness of the mall, or the crowds and you view the season as a hit to your bank account? (Although, we all feel that aspect!) Does it represent being broke, loneliness and frustration of another year gone by that simply sucked?

I truly hope not! I hope that you're on the more positive side of the coin, but if perchance you're leaning more towards the negative side this season, here are 3.5 Habits for the Holiday to make this season better than ever:

1. Attitude of Gratitude: For many people, this is an amazingly difficult task to perform. They usually have many personal issues that they are dealing with and cannot see the forest from the trees. (And this has become a habit for them as well unfortunately.) I am convinced that developing an attitude of gratitude is not simply a mindset, it is literally a skill that one can practice and master over the course of time.
One powerful and effective method you can do this with is to get out a sheet of paper and a pen. (Do not do this exercise in your head, it has a significantly higher impact when done on paper.) Write down everything you're grateful for: roof over your head, food to eat, clothes on your back, car in the drive way, a job, family members, friends, living in Colorado, etc. Keep writing until you get down to "all my fingers and toes, I'm breathing, I can walk, talk, see and hear." When you get down to the "small" stuff like fingers, toes, walking, etc, you'll see all the "big stuff" like the boat and the car is actually the real "small stuff." Practicing the skill of developing an Attitude of Gratitude can, over time, put things in perspective for you and make the holiday season a great one!

Offer: Want a form to fill out for the "Gratitude List"? Shoot me an e-mail and I'll send one for you to fill out.

2. Focus on Creating, Not Cash: I speak with many people who are not well off for the season, much less for the entire year. So when the holidays come around, this is a strong reminder that they are short on cash. So, if you fit this category, focus your time and attention on creating gifts rather than buying them. You did this when you were a kid, right? You could sit down with a few crayons and make a “masterpiece” couldn't you? What happened to all of that creativity? Well, life and fear of judgment got in the way, but don't worry, it's still there!
Take 10 minutes and just think: what would be fun to create for someone this season? Can you cook? Can you work with wood? Do you have something you can restore? Is there something that you're good at that a friend or family member could benefit from? Can you sing? Dance? Play an instrument? Tell jokes? By focusing on creating, not cash, you'll have fun, you'll be creative and you'll put a smile on someone else's face this season!

Offer: Need ideas on where your talents may lie to create gifts? Shoot me an e-mail and we'll see if we can't find something! 
3. Plan to Eat!: That's right- eat! Far too many of you worry far too much about all of the "eating" you're going to be doing during the holiday season, and I know why. You have no plan! Plans are not simply for your business, or achieving those next important goals. Plans are necessary for success in even the smallest of issues. Plans keep you focused on what you deem is most important in this subject (or any other for that matter) and insure that you'll take what is called "right action" in any holiday party.

So here's a sample plan for you to use: "I'll eat holiday junk food (pastries, cookies, pie, etc.) on only Friday and Saturday nights as well as on the Holiday itself." By having even a simple plan like this, you'll keep the amount of junk food to a minimum, yet not feel as if you're missing out. It's important to allow yourself to relax a little this time of year and indulge. Having a Plan to Eat can help you have fun during the holiday season, and also help you keep a healthy lifestyle as well.

Offer: Don't trust yourself? Shoot me an e-mail and we'll find a plan that's right for you this season!

3.5 Give No Matter What!: As a child most of you saw this time of year as a time to get presents under the tree. It was time of receiving and getting what you wanted- even though your parents tried their best to teach you otherwise! Unfortunately, I meet many people who have grown up, yet still maintain the same childlike mentality they've always had. As adults, you and I call these people "takers". (You're thinking of few right now aren't you?) Well, admit it, you fall into this trap every so often as well don't you? Hey, who doesn't love getting a present with a big bright bow on top?

The best way for you to change your attitude about getting is to give, and by giving I mean to be of service to someone else. So, whether you're 'into' the season or you're more of a Grinch this time of year, be sure to give of your time to some cause, or maybe just to someone you know who needs help. By spending time with someone who needs you, it is very hard to think about yourself and the problems or challenges that you face. Does your elderly neighbor need help shopping at the grocery store? Do your parents need help setting up their house for the holidays? Can you spend the day at a homeless shelter or something similar? Maybe it is as simply spending time listening to your friend who is having a serious crisis in their life and helping them stay out of self pity. Whatever you can do to give, then give- and you'll quickly see how when you give, you'll get!!

Offer: Holiday season got you down? Send me an e-mail and I'll help you figure out a few ways to put these habits into practice so that this holiday season is better than ever!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thank You!!

For several years I have taught my heart out for the members of Clearwater Boxing Center- each and every week. And even though it was emotionally and physically taxing, as I look back now I truly did love every minute of it. I can recount many private discussions I’ve had with so many of you in regards to various aspects of your lives, and every time I do, I feel truly blessed to have been in a position to help you.

I know one young lady who after listening me talk about “Anchors and Motors” (a speech I give often) went out and changed all of her friends almost overnight! And she LOVED it! She told many months after the fact and how happy she was about making the change- and gave me credit for the whole thing!

I can think of a man who had been plagued by being overweight for so many years and how people would often say rude or mean remarks to him at work and in his social life. After training with me he lost the weight and stated how much he appreciated that I never looked at him different, or that he could not do something because he was overweight. In fact he recalled how I was even more demanding of him than the rest because I knew he could do it. In tears the man had thanked me.

And the list can simply continue on and on with regards to the people I have helped. I have been blessed to have been a part of so many lives in such a positive manner. I have watched so many of you change from weak to strong, from shy to outgoing, from unfocused to accomplished and from low self esteem to strength-of-heart and character that becomes the envy of others.

I thank all of you for allowing me to a part of the growth in your lives within your journey towards success.

BUT- at this point I need to give credit where credit is due, and that is to the teachers who have come before me on my own personal journey of growth personal development. The man you know me as today had some help along the way- Mr. Bittle has been my Master Instructor since 1986 and took me to my 5th degree. He was the one whom I learned passion, drive, commitment and intensity from all those years ago. And to point out just how good of an instructor he was- I am still passionate, driven committed to excellence and love to train with intensity! Mr. Bittle was one of a kind. The other gentleman who helped me reach new heights is Master Tom Callos who took me from 5th to my 6th Degree Black Belt in 2007 through his course the Ultimate Black Belt Test. Without him I believe that I would lack the professionalism and single-mindedness of goal setting and accomplishing what I set out to achieve that I possess today.

The point? You never get anywhere alone. Seek out the people who are further down the road than you in life, business or anywhere else, and ask for help. Never stop learning and growing in every aspect of your life and the results you get will be beyond your wildest dreams.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Still Reading??

Hi all,

I have been requested now several times to continue my blog with articles like motivation, mental focus and of course, workouts! So, if you’re still inclined to actually read what I write then I shall continue to do so.

I believe that the principles I have been teaching and exercising for so many years affect you across the board in life. Meaning that regardless of your age, background, income or career; subjects such as goal setting, overcoming personal challenges and proper nutrition are things you can all learn and grow from. Of course there will be a subject I’ll write about that you’ve no doubt learned in the past, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you should skip it. After all, champions don’t need to be told what to do, but they do need to be reminded.

So, here are some topics that you’ll be sure to read about: food intake, mental focus, proper thinking in negative situations, creative workouts, motivating mottos, workout outlines, the workouts that I just did, goal setting techniques, being a real friend, becoming a real team player, becoming a leader. I’ll also be sure to post my workouts and the time I do them in with the amount of weight I use to see if you can beat me.

New subjects that I’ll be writing will be financial savings, investing, investing vehicles, ways to save, compound interest and of course “how to choose a Financial Advisor.” (I’ll be one in the Denver area soon.) So please stay tuned into my blog and PLEASE- stay in touch as well. I would love to hear from everyone and learn how life is moving along for you all.

See you next blog!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Think you’re training hard? Think again.

I have a client who wants to lose 40 pounds in just a few short months. While that’s an admirable goal, it simply isn’t realistic- especially because she simply isn’t training hard enough….or often enough! I am constantly on her about how hard she is hitting, how fast she is moving and how many times she takes a break. I am constantly in her ear about these things because these are the things that will get her to the next level and help reach her goals!

The other thing she’s guilty of is not training often enough! She is only coming 3 times a week! That’s all! (She was coming only twice at first and I finally got her to up it to 3!) I am now hounding her to get here 4 times a week. Remember, her goal is 40 pounds in a few months! Again, great goal, but terrible action. (no that's not her in the pic! LOL!)

Now, I’m using am anonymous client and will not give out her name, but what YOU need to take away from this is ask yourself- “what am I doing to either sabotage myself, or help myself reach my goals?” Because most people think that they’re training hard simply because they’re sweating in training! Of course you’ll sweat- but how intense are you training? That’s the real question!

Since 1988 I’ve watched so many people half-ass their training and simply do “good enough” in training. They’ll use a weight to get 10 reps in weight training, but what they don’t do is to make sure that the 9th and 10th reps are hard as hell to perform! It’s not enough to just show up, you’ve got to make the effort! You’ve got to make the workout as intense as possible!

Yesterday I was doing the latest FightZone workout. I could barely move the weight on the last few rotations of the exercise I had to perform but I did it anyway. (in big part because I had an impromptu training partner Jim yelling me!) My legs were shaking, my arms were numb and I felt like I was going to puke! NO, I’m not crazy or obsessed- I have goals I want to achieve and I’m willing to put forth my best effort to get there.

I make sure that I am TOTALLY DONE by the end of the workout. I should have nothing left at the end of the training session- period. If I feel that I can do a 3 mile run at the end of the workout, then I didn’t train hard enough. Think about that- if you are not exhausted at the end of each training session and go running, hit the weights, do 5 more rounds, then you my friend have slacked off. PERIOD.

Think you’re training hard? Think again.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Getting Burned Out?

Do you ever get burned out? Yeah, me too. It happens- no biggie of course, but the unfortunate aspect of burn out is that too many people mistake it for a total and complete loss of interest forever and ever. And because they’ve lost interest (supposedly forever) they feel as if they then have to quit and find a new activity to get involved with. And of course they’ll start the whole process over again!

The simple truth is that burn out is usually the end result of people who continue to over train for too long of a period without taking a break to allow their body to heal or their mind to decompress. So, to keep your interest and enthusiasm high, here a few ways to keep burn out from affecting you:

1. Create Weekly Training Schedules: The easiest and best way to keep burn out from affecting you in a negative manor is to schedule days off into your training routines. One great way to do this is to train Monday through Friday and take Saturday and Sunday off. After 2 days, your body will be refreshed and ready for action! Another training schedule you can get on is 3 days on 1 day off, 2 on and 1 off. That would be training Monday through Wednesday, take Thursday off and then training again on Friday and Saturday, taking Sunday as another rest day. Both of these weekly training schedules allow you to get plenty of rest but still have you training hard - and most importantly with consistency.

2. Watch for Warning Signs: Another thing you’ll need to do to keep burn out at bay, is to watch for the signs of burn out. These include, but are not limited to: muscle and joint soreness (much more than normal), loss of interest, resentment towards having to train, stopping your workout much too soon when you’re not tired, boredom while training, thoughts of quitting or moving on to something new, finding really stupid reasons why you don’t need to train, etc.

The warning signs of burn out are most likely NOT physical, but mental. You’ll get more physical symptoms from over training, but burn out is a mental factor. That should be apparent, yet I have many people who confuse the two.

3. Get a Good Training Partner: I have written many articles on why having a training partner is so crucial to one’s progress, and here’s yet another benefit of having a good partner. They can help identify when you’re burned out BEFORE you will! Surprisingly enough, most people are not aware that they are burned out, and they tend to blame their lack of interest, poor attitude and desire to quite on the activity itself. So by having someone who knows you well, they’ll be able to say things such as “hey, what’s up with the bad attitude today?” or “Hey, why are you skipping your training sessions so often? What’s going on?”, or as my wife Mary says, “what the hell is up your *ss tonight?”

4. Take Time Off: The best thing you can do if you are burned out is to simply take time off. Take a few days, a week, two weeks or even a whole month, but be sure to take time off! Obviously, if you were to schedule time off in the same manner as your weekly schedule, burn out will never even become a factor for you in regards to training. For instance, every December I take a “break” from my clean eating and just indulge. It’s the holiday time and everyone brings me cookies and stuff, so why not? I’ve been good all year, so if I take a few weeks and eat-up it’s no big deal. (Besides, when January rolls around I’m sick of eating all that crap!!) I also have no problem taking an entire week off here and there throughout the year if I feel I need to. I’ve been doing this for a very long time, so it’s not too hard for me to indentify when I’m getting burned out. And I really love this stuff, so burn out for me is not an option!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Box-a-Thon 2011

Why Does Clearwater Boxing Help Out??

Since we’ve opened our doors, Clearwater Boxing Center has participated in several fund raising events as both volunteers at someone else’s event and as the fund raiser our self through our own events. We’ve collected nearly $10,000 in cash for the Big Brothers and Make-a-Wish Foundations in Pinellas County and we’ve also collected and delivered over $6000 in holiday presents for our annual “Giving Tree” event we hold at Christmas Time. Also, we have volunteered over 1000 hours by participating at others charity events as well as our own. Not bad numbers for an extremely small and young business, huh?

But, why? Why do we do that? Why should we, a small financially struggling company, help others when we need that money ourselves? Because it’s the right thing to do- that’s why…plain and simple. There are people who are less fortunate than us, whether that be financially or because of a birth defect or accident, and we cannot ignore that, not when it’s so close to home.

We believe that charity begins in our own back yard- not thousands of miles away. Since our resources are extremely limited, it is in our best interest to do the most good we possible can with what we have, and it only makes sense to help those right here, right now in our own back yard. That being said, this year’s Box-a-Thon is still up in the air! So, if you know of a non-profit organization that is right here in Pinellas County we want to know who they are!

We have a few in mind: Children’s Dream Fund, UPARC, Hooked on Hope and Pinellas Safe Harbor (homeless shelter). Please vote who you feel we should help this year!

We need that vote soon as we’re having the event on Saturday March 28th at 10am!!

Check out last year’s fun below!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Did YOU Just Puke? YOU???

I have a program called “FightZone” (in case you didn’t hear) and the workouts are designed to get results…as well as work your ass off. However, the key to these training sessions is intensity, not just sweating and burning a few calories as some other dainty programs are. And FightZone works- it does. But no so well if you’re dehydrated!

On Tuesday, one of the FightZone Members when balls-to-the-wall in this week’s training session- which is what we’re after. However, he was dehydrated from traveling/flying for a week straight and not drinking enough. (Flying has been shown to dehydrate people on its own, so add to that no drinking water and it doubles.) Part of the workout is to start with deadlifts at a weight that will challenge you and he used 225. A great weight for him! I watched him crank it out for the 1st 50 reps (50 more to do later in the workout) and he moved onto the next exercises. As he started the 3rd exercise, he got light headed, sick, almost passed out and had to lay down for 30 minutes. That’s when he told me about being dehydrated as well as the traveling.

Please read the following…a little science lesson if you please…

What is dehydration?

Dehydration is the excessive loss of water from the body, as from illness or fluid deprivation. Any person who exercises on a regular basis is susceptible to the effects of even mild fluid loss. The value of the body's most important nutrient, water, cannot be underestimated.

Exercise produces body heat, and too much body heat reduces exercise capacity. As the core body temperature rises, blood flow to the skin increases, and the body attempts to cool itself by sweating. During intense exercise, the body temperature rises as high as 39 degrees Celsius (105 degrees Fahrenheit) and the muscle temperature can rise as high as 40 degrees Celsius (108 degrees Fahrenheit). These temperatures make exercise difficult because the body and muscles are competing for blood.

As the body temperature rises, oxygen becomes more of a commodity due to increased circulatory demands. Oxygen is needed to help with the cooling process, and reduces the amount of oxygen available for vital organs, which can lead to severe health risks as well as a drop in athletic performance.

When you start exercising, as much as two percent of the body water is lost. Although this amount is considered a "normal" range for humans, it is certainly not an optimum level for athletic performance. Below is a table that summarizes the effects of minimal fluid loss during exercise.


Body Water Lost Symptoms

1 % Few symptoms or signs of any thirst present; however, there is a marked reduction in VO2 max.

2% Beginning to feel thirsty; loss of endurance capacity and appetite.

3% Dry mouth; performance impaired.

4% Increased effort for exercise, impatience, apathy, vague discomfort, loss of appetite.

5% Difficulty concentrating, increased pulse and breathing, slowing of pace.

6-7% Further impairment of temperature regulation, higher pulse and breathing, flushed skin, sleepiness, tingling, stumbling, headache.

8-9% Dizziness, labored breathing, mental confusion, further weakness.

10% Muscle spasms, loss of balance, swelling of tongue.

11% Heat Exhaustion, delirium, stroke, difficulty swallowing; death can occur.

Dehydration can cause any or all of the following:

• Increased heart rate (beats per minute)

• Increased lactate acid in muscles (increased blood acidity)

• Increased body temperature

• Decreased strength

• Any of the following medical conditions: heat cramping, heat exhaustion & heat stroke

The best way to avoid fluid loss is often the simplest: drink plenty of fluids. Water is sufficient to replenish the fluids that are lost during exercise. However, water cannot replace the minerals that are lost during exercise-induced sweating. Sweating releases potassium, sodium and calcium, which are vital for survival. These minerals, also known as electrolytes, are not found in water. It is therefore advisable to consume a supplement, which contains these added minerals, before any strenuous exercise.

After a workout, your body needs not only fluids, but carbs as well- so drink a Powerade or a Gatorade if you feel you need to. Look, we’re not just interested in having a good day, we’re seeking ways to perform at higher levels, so it only make sense to drink up!! (No…not beer or soda!)

Get educated and get hydrated!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Can I Have a Word With You??

I just had a great conversation today with my wife Mary in regards to the horrific excuses people make as to why they can never get into good physical shape and why all of “those” programs don’t work for them. In the 23 years I‘ve been coaching people I have the chance to see the many typical patterns of behavior (i.e.- Bull sh*t) that never seems to change over time, from generation to generation, political landscapes or social changes.

Here they are in no particular order:

• I tried that diet and it didn’t work for me. (I did it for 2 days)

• I read that book and it didn’t help me at all. (I never applied the principles of the book.)

• I bought those exercise DVD’s and they didn’t work for me. (the DVD’s are covered with dust)

• I joined that gym and it didn’t work for me. (I went once or twice and got bored.)

• I tried Boxing and it didn’t work. (I went for a month and it was too hard.)

• I tried martial arts and it didn’t work. (I went to a month but was afraid of failing the test.)

• I tried that spin class and it didn’t work. (I went for almost a week, but I didn’t want to get up that early.)

You get the idea, yes? You see the pattern of behavior here?

Look, I know that change is hard. Getting up early, staying disciplined with food, being consistent with training every day, training when you’re tired….I get it! I go through all of that all the time. So what’s the difference between my wife and I and those other folks? We do the work. That’s the only difference.

We’re not better than anyone else or smarter (OK, Mary actually is, but certainly NOT ME!!). We don’t come from a childhood background of healthy eating that our parents taught us. We never learned it in high school or college. We never had someone else in our lives that was super healthy and physically fit. At some point we decided we wanted to live a better, healthier life and on our own learned as much as we could about healthy food intake and proper exercise.

So the answer to the assumption most people have is: no, this is not easier for Mary and I than for others. It’s not. We get tired from work. We have long days. We get injuries. We want to eat junk food. We want to stay on the couch and watch TV. We want to take a nap instead of training.

The difference? We don’t make BS excuses…we get it done. That's the ONLY difference.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What do you REALLY Want? Results or Excuses?

I deal with a multitude of personalities every day (some even seem to have a multiple personality disorder) and I run into many of the same patterns and issues with members and clients. And here is what one common issue that comes up often looks like:

Client: “Coach, here’s what I want- I want to lose fat right here (women grab the back of their arms and men grab their love handles). I also want to increase my cardio, strength and I also want to be on the same level with the most fit people in the gym. I want to be one of the top athletes here. THAT is what I want to achieve. Can you help me?”

Me: “I sure can help with that. It won’t come over night and it most certainly will NOT be easy. But we can do it. Here is what you’ll need to do….” And I proceed to outline a whole training and eating program for them. (Perhaps you know exactly what I would say here???)

Client: “Wow, that’s great Coach! Thanks!”

4 weeks later…….

Me: “so, how’s it going? Are you eating the food I suggested? Are you doing the training I suggested?”

Client: “well, umm, ya know….here’s the thing…..I have a real busy life and I decided that I would just keep doing training the way I always have 2 to 3 times a week. Besides, I go to Planet Fitness once or twice a week and use the machines. Don’t worry, it’s a “judgment free zone” and I never set off the “lunk alarm”. And I know that I could be eating better, but really, who has time to do that? I mean I am eating breakfast now about twice a week so that’s good, right?”

Me: “It sounds like you’re really ‘taking the bull by the horns’ on this. How are the results coming? Are you reaching that level of being one of the elite members of the gym yet?”

Client: “well, not yet, but it's still really what I want. What do you think I should do to get there?”

Does anyone else see the complete and total insanity in this????

I have continually gotten this nearly every week from various people for years on end and I’ve found that it all comes down to this: people are not really interested in results. How do I know? Because otherwise they would let go of the BS excuses and try something new! So it’s at this point you need to ask yourself this question:

Are you interested in results or methods?

If results are what you want, if moving to that “next level” is truly most important and really becoming what you want to become, then you’ll need to look for a new method. Yet most people simply will not do it. Is it fear? Sure. Is it being stubborn? You bet. Do these folks have too many control issues? To a large degree, yes. They need to let go of the things that are holding them back; the excuses, the justifications and the reasoning behind why they don’t really need to change what they’re doing. Because when they let go of that crap, they begin to get the results they want!

So again, I ask you: are you interested in results or methods? Because changing your method might get you what you want.

And I also ask: are you willing to make that change and let go of your excuses? And the only way you know that you’re truly willing to make that change is when you’re actually DOING the work. Otherwise you’re full of ****.
"To get somewhere you've never been before, you'll need to do things you've never done before."

Monday, January 24, 2011

One Small (Frikin' HUGE) Tip

Here’s one small tip that will make a 100% difference between reaching the results you want in a few short months, or taking years to get anywhere- if you can actually get anywhere without it! This one little tip makes the difference between having fun or being bored. It gets you involved both mentally and physically rather than allowing you to be disconnected from what you’re doing and where you’re trying to go.

What is it? It’s “Intensity”.

Intensity is defined as the magnitude of energy that you put out. In physics it is the strength of the source of energy , such as light, electricity or sound. For our purposes it is the mental energy that you put into your physical efforts while training- not just the physical efforts themselves. You can go through a workout in one of my training sessions, get sweaty and burn calories, but to make maximum gains you need to put out a higher degree of energy. And that higher degree of energy is called “Intensity”.

You’ve seen those loud folks on the floor grunting and groaning, and looking as if they’re in a horrible amount of pain (which they are), yet they continue to push through until the training session is over. That is intensity! When you see someone go outside, or run to the rest room and vomit and then come back onto the floor- THAT is intensity! When you see someone lying on the floor breathing heavy, not wanting t move after training- THAT is intensity! When you see people screaming at their partner to keep going- THAT is intensity!

Intensity works.

When you’ve had a long day, not enough food, something tragic in your life, intensity will keep you going through your workout but it will also help relieve stress! Intensity will allow you to focus when there seems to be too much on your plate at work or home. Intensity will also help you get a few extra reps in push-ups, squat jumps or burpees. It will help you get up a few extra pounds when lifting weights than you normally wouldn’t be able to move. Intensity keeps you mentally and physically focused on the present- which is a form of meditation by the way. Intensity works.

Here are a few ways to develop and use intensity:

One, talk to yourself. Do so in a motivating way, not in a belittling manner. You’ll want to say things like “c’mon, you can do this!”, “2 more! Do 2 more!” If you need to scream these out, then do so! Whatever will get your adrenaline pumping- do it!! (don’t say “what’s wrong with you?! You suck you little wimp!”

Two, get angry. Yes this can be positive. Look, we all get angry- that’s why there is a name for the emotion! You get angry at your boss, significant other, coworkers, classmates, neighbors, friends, etc. So take that anger and direct it at the heavy bag, the weights or in your functional training sessions. Anger can be used as healthy fuel for a workout that might have been otherwise plane-Jane! By directing that anger in a healthy manner, you’re allowing yourself to express it and get rid of it rather than holding it in and taking it out on others in an unhealthy fashion. By the end of the training session, you’ll feel better and the degree of anger will be far, far less than it was in the beginning of the session.

Three, get someone else to talk or yell at you. I know that when I have my wife Mary spotting me in the gym I work twice as hard- for 2 reasons. One is that she coaches me through the set by saying things like “c’mon, you can do this!”, “focus John”, “You have 2 more” or “I want one more”. By having her talk me through the set I stay more focused and driven. The other reason is that want a “good job” from her at the end- it’s a reward that has no price tag.

Four, think of your goals. Something has to drive you to come into my training sessions each week! I don’t play around! They’re hard as hell, so to get through it, be sure that you think about what you want and where you’re trying to get to. Get excited about the possibility!

But above all- get Intense!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Upcoming Seminar Friday Jan 14th

So? How’d you do in accomplishing your goals last year? In 2010 I accomplished 81% of my goals (22 out of 27) which stellar compared to 2009 which was only 66% (21 out of 32). And last year was a hard year: I herniated my disk and it went out twice (once so bad I was literally bed-ridden for a whole day!) and could not train properly, both my mother and my mother-in-law were in the hospital at the same time! My wife was unemployed for several months while at the same time we were getting married! Mary also started a part time business called Mary’s Mighty Muffins – perhaps you’ve heard of it? ( )The point being of course, that even though things were extremely tough on both Mary and I, we still managed to accomplish a lot.

So, with all the challenges, just how did I improve on accomplishing more of my goals in 2010 than in 2009? It was the way in which I set the goals, not just setting the goal itself! Setting a goal is actually not a very difficult task, but creating a plan around it, finding a coach, setting deadlines and holding yourself accountable is something entirely different! And even though that sounds like too much work, it’s actually VERY SIMPLE!!

On Friday January 14th at 6:30pm, I will be holding my yearly Goal-Setting Seminar. The cost is $50 and half of that goes to charity! This is FREE for all FightZone and Black Belt Living members.

In the seminar you’ll learn:

• The 4.5 Reasons People DO NOT Set Goals
• 5.5 Mistakes People Make When Setting Goals

• 3.5 Aspects of a REAL Goal

• 4.5 Areas to Set Goals in Life

• 10.5 Timelines for Goals

• Goal Setting Success Cycle

You’ll also walk out with an outline of the seminar itself, a tried and true method that will allow you a better chance of achieving your most important goals and most importantly the knowledge and motivation required to get going and stay on task all year!

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me- 727-441-1800

See you next Friday Night at 6:30pm!!