Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How to Achieve Physical Success

How do you define the word "success"? Most people will use money as the means of defining success. Well I happen to know many people who have a ton of money, but are 50 pounds or more over weight, cannot stay off drugs or alcohol, or they simply cannot maintain a loving, healthy relationship with another person. None of those people feel like a success.

To change that, here is one simple method- Achieve Physical Success!!
(Printed version is below if you don't want to listen to a crazy 6th Degree Black Belt, Certified Coach babble on and on and on and on...)

1. Physical Success: I truly believe that THE most important are of life that every single person needs to reach success in is Physical Fitness. When you make exercise and eating right your lifestyle, then the principles of both self-discipline and self-confidence are cultivated and will strengthen and grow over time. The positive results of developing these two characteristics is that your self-discipline will carry over into your work place, allowing you to accomplish more on a daily basis and reach your goals faster. By increasing your self-confidence, you’ll also be more inclined to take calculated risks to help you further your achievements both personally and professionally.

In order to achieve and maintain Physical Success, make sure that you set up a workout schedule that will challenge you physically and mentally, otherwise, if it’s too easy, you’ll be left unmotivated and achieve nothing. Set up a weekly training schedule that has you training 5 or 6 times for at least 45 minutes each day. This way, you’ll make physical fitness so much a part of your life that if you miss a day or two, you’ll feel lazy, lethargic and even guilty. And when you feel that way, you’ll be much more inclined to get back into the gym and work even harder to reach your Physical Success!

Have a question for Coach John? Contact him here: john@blackbeltliving.com

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