Saturday, August 7, 2010

Coach John's Irish Workout


On Wednesday August 3rd, I recorded some of one of my cardio workouts. I try to explain to people what I do, how I do it and why, but sometimes letting people watch is the best way they’ll understand what I’m talking about.

First, this is considered a “cardio” workout and NOT a weight lifting workout even though I use weights. When I do a “weight training” workout, it is much more in the sense of body building. The way I use weights here is back-to-back, full-body exercises at a fast pace that tax not only my muscles, but my lungs as well. I also make sure that I have done a lot of cardio/heavy bag work, before I get to the weights as well. That way my lungs are already behind the eight ball.

I don’t believe in staying only old school in regards to training. Think that people need to get outside of their comfort zone and look for new ways to increase their abilities. Lifting weights is one of them- but it is all about HOW you use them in your training.

I did 5 rounds on the tear drop heavy bag also a regular heavy bag, then did 5 more rounds on a tai bag and the 2 rounds of basic kicking drills. The rounds were 3 minutes each with only a 30 second rest in between. Then the weights and then shadow sparring to force my muscles to be quick and fluid in their movements. This is a sense, cross training to confuse, but also condition my muscles to be ready to either be powerful, fast or both.

Have any questions- let me know.

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