Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Q & A: Where does your motivation come from?

Question: Coach John, you always give us a good motivational talk at the end of each training session, and I love it. In fact I look forward to it. My question is: where do you get YOUR motivation from?

Signed, R.C.

Answer: Thanks R.C.! That always means a lot to me when I get feedback from members of the gym-most of the time I never really know if get through or not! So where does my motivation come from? A few different places really:

1. Mentors: I believe in having mentors, people who are further down the road than me in life, business, health, etc. They become valuable resources in tough times when I need some direction, and also in good times, when I’m not sure how to make the success continue. The pick me up when I’m down and give me that swift kick in the ass when I need that too! But most of all, they represent what I can become in the future if I keep doing what they do- and THAT excites me!

2. You: when I see people who enroll into my program and get the results they’re looking for, I get excited! I watch people like you come in consistently, train hard, focus, push themselves, sweat, punch, sweat, kick, sweat, do push-ups and sweat some more and I love it! Because when people can begin to change physically, they will quickly change mentally.

3. Desire: I have my own personal missions in life and one of them is become more than I was the year before; a better athlete, writer, speaker, businessman, fiancĂ© (soon to be husband!), son, brother, friend, etc. I learned a long time ago that perfection is the direction NOT the destination- no matter how hard I try, I’ll always fail. Yet, the paradox is that success is ALWAYS built on failure. And if I’m failing, that means I’m trying, and if I’m trying that means I’ll get there soon. (I hope! LOL!!)

4. Motors: I place people into 2 groups in life- anchors and motors. Anchors hold me down and motors push me forward. I try to spend little to no time with people who are negative or have no ambitions in life and attempt to maximize the amount of time I spend with people who inspire me, educate me, push me and challenge me. Look at who I'll be married to in a few weeks!! Mary is always training her butt off and eating right, and when I hang around someone who is so focused and driven I can't help but to get caught-up in her slip stream as she surges through life with passion, desire and drive!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that Mary sounds awesome!