Friday, February 5, 2010

Failure Leads to Success!!

I have yet to meet someone who enjoys losing a contest or challenge they face, yet I do know people who are very comfortable with “failing” on a consistent basis. You’re thinking ‘how can someone be comfortable or enjoy failing at ANY point in their lives?!?!’ The answer is simple really- IF you know the correct way to apply the principle of “Failure Leads To Success.”

Let’s start with a simple demonstration of this principle in regards to physical fitness. By taking each set you perform, let’s say for seated shoulder presses, to failure, you’ll develop microfiber tears in the muscles. You know you’ve reached “failure” when you cannot push the weight above your head anymore and will need rest before you attempt another set. This is referred to as “reaching failure” in weight training and exercise.

The benefit of this training style is that once you eat healthy protein and carbs immediately after a training session and all day long, the protein will then help to rebuild the muscle fiber to come back stronger (or faster, or flexible, or whatever demands you place upon it) and it will also increase in size as well as increase endurance. If you were to simply stop at the 7th rep of the shoulder press, instead of taking it to rep number 12 or 15 where your muscles failed, you’ll see almost little to no improvements of what you’re striving for. To get the best results from training, you’ve got to take the muscles to “Failure”.

Another area I’ve found that this principle works wonders is in business. (Sounds crazy I know.) In order to find programs, marketing or systems that work, you have to try several various ways that DO NOT work first which means that they have failed, which will ultimately lead to success if you simply stick with it. Here’s an example: Since 1988 I have taught certain Martial Arts styles that I had to teach because I was working for someone else. These folks also wanted me to pass it off as self defense! Not only were the styles useless in a street situation (I knew as I had grown up hanging out with the tough crowd) but it was incredibly boring! Over time, people would simply quite because of it. IT DID NOT WORK as a long term business venture! As I opened up my first gym in Hawaii 15 years ago and now my second gym here in Florida 2 years ago, I knew what would bring us to failure financially and what 2 things would bring us success: an amazing and fun workout, and a practical skill set that could help them defend themselves. Now the gym is going gangbusters and the clients are happy and bringing in all of their friends!

Remember this: if you’re failing from time to time, then you’re simply not trying hard enough. After all Thomas Edison “failed” 5000 times before succeeding in making the light bulb

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