Tuesday, December 15, 2009

#2 Tip for "Goal-Setting Time"!!

It’s almost 2010, are you ready for awaits you? Well, if not, you'll want to read my next goal setting tip. This one I found through my many years of studying the subject of goal-setting, and want to share it with you so that your chances of success next year will increase exponentially. (If you want to know what the #1 tip is, scroll down my Blog, or look to the right hand side-bar and look for “Goal Time.”)

2. S.M.A.R.T. Goals- Having goals such as ‘I want to get into shape’ or ‘I want to make money’ just don’t cut it. These goals are far too general for you to achieve. By allowing your goals to be so general, it allows the phrase “then anything will do” to become a reality, and that is because your brain works better when given specifics. When creating goals for yourself, whether it be in physical fitness, education, financial matters, etc., they need to meet certain criteria in order to be acctual goals. They need to be S.M.A.R.T. Goals.

Once you understand how the brain works, you’ll see the need to meet the S.M.A.R.T. criteria. Try this exercise: look around the room where you are and find anything that is the color blue. Wait a few seconds and try it now with red. It didn’t take you long to find each color did it? This is because the brain will literally filter out anything you do not want in order to give you what you do want- if it knows exactly what that is. When you say ‘I want to make a lot of money’, the brain has nothing to work with- what exactly is a lot of money? 3000, 10,000, 50,000, how much? If you were to give the brain a specific amount, it can function better and help you achieve that goal quicker. (You can get even more specific - just read #3.5 which is coming soon.)

If your goal can meet the following S.M.A.R.T. Goal criteria, then you stand a great chance of accomplishing your goals:

· S- Specific- how detailed and precise is this goal?
· M-Measurable- can I calculate or appraise this goal?
· A- Achievable-can I complete this goal?
· R- Realistic- am I being level-headed and practical with this goal?
· T- Trackable- can I keep track of any results or actions in regards to this goal?

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